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Eating Around the World: 3 Delicious Corn-Free French Meals to Satiate the Olympic Spirit

If there’s one thing everyone can agree on, it’s that Paris has been a very interesting place to host the Olympics. From the Seine-debacle, to the masked man during the opening ceremony, everything about the Parisian locale has been buzzed about. But for those of us stuck chanting USA! USA! USA! from our living rooms, we’ve decided to curate a few delicious (corn-free!) French recipes to get you in that Olympic spirit – because not all of us can be as athletically gifted as these incredible athletes!

First things first, what French cuisine is known for? Besides the obvious answer (butter and bread), Parisians like to keep their day to day meals rather simple with whole foods, grains, greens, and (okay, yes) butter-y sauces. So what are the Parisian must haves for a full day of walking by the Seine?

For breakfast, look no further than a simple coffee and a croissant! Now, while you may feel overwhelmed by the concept of homemade croissants, we promise you can do it! Our fav recipe for this buttery staple is this one by Half Baked Harvest that features pictures and a step-by-step guide. Just be sure to give yourself plenty of time beforehand and always make sure you’re using non-enriched flour and butter without natural flavors if your goal is to be corn-free

Now, onto lunch! What’s more French than a Niçoise salad? Even the way the word curls in your mouth when you say it makes you feel just a little fancier. It’s high in protein and veggies so what isn’t there to love? But, we can do better than a simple salad, so pair your Niçoise with some Socca – a gluten-free chickpea flatbread that hails from Nice, France. Thankfully both these recipes are easy and light, which means they’re about to become your summer go to! Find our fav Niçoise recipe here, and Socca recipe here

Finally, the pièce de resistance, dinnertime. Like any European country, Parisians love having their dinner late in the evening, around 9pm, and they especially love going all out! On the menu is Moules Frites (or Mussels and French Fries) and Ratatouille (which your kids will be sure to recognize from the Disney film!). Moules Frites is a delicately cooked dish rich in flavor and perfect for french fry lovers looking to change it up, while Ratatouille is a good way to get your veggies in in a tasty home-y way. For our corn-free friends, make sure the butter you use does NOT have natural flavors (those are usually made from corn), our fave brand is Vital Farms. We haven’t found any store bought french fries, but if you’re making your own here’s an air fryer recipe we follow - be sure to use a corn-free oil like avocado oil or olive oil. 

Although we can’t be in Paris watching the US win gold, we can live vicariously through the talented athletes and enjoy a little French meal from the comfort of our homes. 

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